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Senior Class

Senior Class Information Page


College Admissions Slide Presentation

Senior Timeline

Watch Your Deadlines - Be vigilant about your application deadlines. If you have any concerns or need assistance, please reach out to your counselor promptly!

Scholarship Information 

For up to date scholarship information please visit Naviance.  Many scholarships are posted regularly- please continue to look at Naviance often.  

Financial Aid Forms

As you prepare for college, understanding financial aid forms is critical. Here are two essential forms:

  • FAFSA (Free Application For Federal Student Aid): This is the primary form required by colleges to assess your eligibility for financial aid. Make sure to complete it promptly.
  • CSS Profile: Some colleges require this additional financial aid form. Please check the list below to see if your colleges of interest require it:
  • FAFSA  
  • CSS Profile
  • Colleges that Require the CSS Profile